CLIMATE + CHANGE THROUGH DEMOCRACY AND INCLUSION: Colleagues from Bulgaria, Germany, Greece and Italy are dealing with ecological and climate policy issues in order to be able to make them a subject of adult education. Their activities were initially aimed at adult educators. Now they also involve adult citizens who live on the periphery of European capitals and “on the edge” of their society. Why? Addressing the ecological crisis with its various aspects requires social justice and democracy so that all citizens can accept change and help shape it. This requires true inclusion.
Here we give impressions of transnational meetings in Rome, Athens, Sofia and Berlin as well as the results produced. The workshops focus on green urban development and waste reduction (Rome), CO2 and the – public – transport system (Athens), water (Sofia) and energy or access to resources (Berlin). The joint exchange will result in an exhibition and a theatre performance that will be presented in Berlin in September 2023.
One result is already available: an online course on various topics related to climate change and ecological challenges. See HERE.